What is the best medicine to take for a head cold?

I have been taken paracetamol and a decongestant but nothing seems to be working pleases help feel like my head is so heavy and full of mucus yuk!

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2 Responses to “What is the best medicine to take for a head cold?”

  1. MeanPeopleSuckStill said :

    Alka Seltzer Cold Plus…..taken at night and you wake up feeling much better than when you went to sleep…..the only negative thing with its use is that it will dry you up so radically you will need to be sure to keep plenty of water on hand….drink as much water as you need…keep blowing the snot wads outta your nose…you dont want this miving into your chest….also if you take some cough medicine with decongestant…Robtussin DM will help you to be able to cough up alot of the congestion…spit it out when you do.

  2. carol p said :

    You should use Vick’s vapor rub. You can put inside your nose and it will clear out your passages. You can rub your chest with it also.


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