What is the best way to lose weight fast with out taking medicine or doing diets?

i need to lose weight and kinda fast but not really fast i need to get my blood pressure down but idk the best way or what kind of exercise to do i’m thinking of walking when its warmer but i am not very good at being active though but i need to lose weight becuase my blood pressure is kind of high its like 150 / over something idr

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6 Responses to “What is the best way to lose weight fast with out taking medicine or doing diets?”

  1. LLsmiles said :

    start walking asap. walking or any exercise i guess allows yor blood vessels to relax and open which drops you bp slightly . also cut out all added salt and check labels, stick to low sodium foods. dont eat fried foods.watch your fat and cholesteral intake. meditation is great and if its just too cold to even walk at least stretch out real good a couple of times a day. eliminate any stress from your life, especially stressful relationships.. good luck.

  2. Rikol said :

    I find that drinking water helps a lot in shedding weight. It isn’t so much the water but the lack of sugar that’s in drinks that does it.
    I also walk whenever I can. Walking is very good for losing weight, so is eating less,.. Try it.

  3. Fallen Star said :

    I find that drinking water helps a lot in shedding weight. It isn’t so much the water but the lack of sugar that’s in drinks that does it.
    I also walk whenever I can. Walking is very good for losing weight, so is eating less,.. Try it.

  4. Hhgffd said :

    Don’t overdo it. If you change something in your lifestyle, you’re probably going to see results – but there’s a law of diminishing returns at play. You can exercise for an extra hour a day for a week and still lose the same amount as you had when you were only exercising half as much. Give your body time to adjust – don’t push yourself too hard or you’re just going to spend your energy on something that’s not necessarily going to give you immediate and direct benefit. This, of course, only applies to those of you wanting to lose fat – not for those who are training for a triathlon.

  5. Tyyjfhygt said :

    Fat is where it’s at. If you think you can lose weight and keep it off by avoiding all fats, you’re sadly mistaken. In fact, if you think that low fat eating is the only way to go, you might as well just quit now. Your body (and your brain) needs fat to survive! This is why the scientists call “them” essential fatty acids – Omegas 3, 6, and 9. These fats have been stripped from many supermarket shelf items, and it’s your responsibility to put fat back into your dietary plan. Don’t avoid eating fat, embrace it – equally.

  6. agencja seo Londyn said :

    Z drugiej strony trzeba brać capsule uwagę, że w
    stosunku do jeszcze dekady wstecz znalezienie biznesowych nisz w
    Internecie jest coraz trudniejsze.


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