What is the best over the counter cold medicine?

I have a terribly over stuffed nose right now. My sinuses feel like the are about to explode! I have taken two sudafeds and they havent done a thing. What’s a good medicine to take? There are so many choices!

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19 Responses to “What is the best over the counter cold medicine?”

  1. newt_peabody said :


  2. icddppl said :

    Try some Mucinex. I think they just came out with some for head congestion but the original one works great. When I had pneumonia, the doctor even told me to get it and that it was better than prescription!

  3. Beez said :

    Thera Flu

  4. the_only_solorose said :

    In my opinion….Zicam nasal swabs. They not only will relieve your stuffy nose, they will shorten the duration of your cold.
    No nasty side effects either, like the sedation you get from alcohol based stuff like Nyquil, or the high blood pressure you get from decongestants like psuedaphed.

  5. Gurrdy said :

    Nyquill, but it will knock you out, so you’d better be ready to go to bed when you take it.

  6. Ellie said :

    Benadryl severe allergy and sinus Works really well on me. It puts my oldest to sleep and my youngest to hyper.

  7. pqrama said :

    Whatever works the best on you. There are so many things out there because some work on you, and some don’t and might be just the other way around for someone else.

  8. beaniefufer said :

    i like robitussin, make sure you read the bottles and get the one that fits the description of your problems, but any off name brand tussin will work. if you are pretty sick already you should go to your regular doctor, these things can go into sinus infections which REALLY suck and even into pneumonia after that!! hope you feel better soon! God bless!

  9. ladybug7172004 said :

    try mucinex it works pretty good

  10. Z-Cat said :

    Clairiten D, & Nyquil

  11. oceanlady580 said :

    i use tylenol sinus/cold medicine when i have a severe cold it may make you drowsy unless it says otherwise on the box/bottle but you probably want to take a day or two off work if you work so you wont infect everyone this stuff works great eat some hot chicken broth and drink plenty of clear liquids and tea feel better soon

  12. loveourcountry said :

    it’s probably a bit too late this time, but I find that if I take cold-eze zinc lozenges at the first sign of cold symptoms, the cold will either not develop or will not last too long. About all you can do now is take some over-the-counter chicken soup, and maybe some otc juice, and rest

    Hope you start feeling better soon

  13. Angel said :

    Depends on if you have any type of high blood pressure or other problems? I prefer nyquil at bedtime and Aleve Sinus during the day. I get horrible sinus headaches and pressure and congestion. Also you could try some afrin nasal spray works great but sometimes you get the “opposite” effect so you have to be careful and not use it but a couple of days. Good luck and hope you get ot feeling better soon!

  14. Kimber B said :

    Guaifenesin thins the mucus in the air passages and makes it easier to cough up the mucus and clear the airways, allowing you to breathe more easily. It relieves the coughs of colds, bronchitis, and other lung infections.

    It is a key ingredient in Robitussin, Mussinex and many other cold remedies. It will assist in drying up the mucus and help your headache.

    Make sure you drink lots of water!
    Here is a list of products.

    Brand names:
    * Brontex®
    * Cheracol® Syrup
    * Diabetic Tussin® EX
    * Dyflex®-G
    * Dy-G®
    * Dyphylline GG®
    * Dyphylline GG® Elixir
    * Elixophyllin®-GG
    * Ganidin® NR
    * Gani-Tuss® NR
    * Guaifenesin AC® Liquid
    * Guiatuss AC® Syrup
    * Guiatuss® Syrup
    * Halotussin® AC
    * Humibid® Pediatric
    * Hytuss®
    * Hytuss-2X®
    * Lufyllin®-GG
    * Lufyllin®-GG Elixir
    * Mucinex®
    * Mytussin® AC Cough Syrup
    * Naldecon® Senior EX
    * Organidin® NR
    * Phanasin® Diabetic Choice®
    * Quibron®
    * Robitussin A-C® Syrup
    * Robitussin®
    * Tussi-Organidin® NR
    * Tussi-Organidin®-S NR
    * X-Pect®

    Brand names of combination products:
    * Anatuss® LA containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Broncholate® Syrup containing Guaifenesin and Ephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Bronkaid® Dual Action Caplets® containing Guaifenesin and Ephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Congestac® Caplets® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Defen®-LA containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * D-Feda® II containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Donatussin® Pediatric Drops containing Guaifenesin, Chlorpheniramine Maleate, and Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
    * Duratuss® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Duratuss® GP containing Guaifenesin and Pseudophedrine Hydrochloride
    * Endal® containing Guaifenesin and Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
    * Entex® PSE containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Eudal®-SR containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Guaifed® Syrup containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Guaifed®-PD containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Guaifed-PD® containing Guaifenesin and Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
    * Guaifenex® PSE 120 containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Guaifenex® PSE 60 containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Guaifenex®-Rx 14-Day Treatment Regimen containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * GuaiMax-D® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Ncontaining Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * PediaCare® Decongestant Plus Cough Infant’s Drops containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Primatene® containing Guaifenesin and Ephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Profen® Forte containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Profen® II containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Rescon® GG containing Guaifenesin and Phenylephrine
    * Respa-1st® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Respaire®-120 SR containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Respaire®-60 SR containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Robitussin® Cold Severe Congestion Liqui-Gels® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Robitussin-PE® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Sinutab® Non-Drowsy Non-Drying Sinus Liquid Caps containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Sudafed® Non-Drying Sinus Liquid Caps containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Touro LA® LA Caplets® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Triaminic® Chest and Ncontaining Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Zephrex® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
    * Zephrex-LA® containing Guaifenesin and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride

  15. sunshine said :

    Robitussin all the way. Very good for stuffed noses, and it doesn’t make a person feel disoriented like I feel Dayquil or Vicks 44 often do. It’s also the best for cough suppression. They have a couple of different formulas – one is for congestion, and they have one mainly for coughing. Thera-flu is also nice for really stuffed up noses, but I wouldn’t take it if you’re planning on going out. Feel better!

  16. Dan C said :

    Nyquil if you are going to go to sleep, Dayquil if you have to stay up. Stupid amounts of vitamin C might shorten your recovery time.

  17. PecanTan said :

    Nyquil @night
    mucinex or dayquil in the day

  18. tallguy_1005 said :

    jack daniels works well for me
    i drink a pint of that
    and i dont feel a thing

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