What are good vitamins to take while dieting?

I’m currently on a diet and working out 3-4 days a week in hopes to lose about 15-20lbs. I was wondering if anyone new of any certain vitamins that could help me reach my goals or just help in general while dieting. Thanks!

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2 Responses to “What are good vitamins to take while dieting?”

  1. Andrew said :

    Jaimeson Mega Multi Vitamines —

    you must eat fruit and whole wheat bread drink a more than a litre of water – two servings of vegetables and about 8 ounces of protein a day you can get the protein from tuna or beans which is low fat

  2. danceconcepts06 said :

    A good multi is important to take everyday for everyone.

    Try to find one that does not have alot of extra ingredients (non-vitamin/mineral) and has an even look/texture throughout.

    I love the Nutralite vitamins. They have been around for 50 years and are one of the best.

    good luck!


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