How do the grams of fat in food relate to weight gain/loss?

I know that it takes 3,500 excess calories to gain a pound, but how many grams of fat does it take?

What exactly does fat do to your body, that’s different from calories?
Like, if you consume 1,500 calories in a day, and 90 grams of fat, are you still going to gain weight?

I thought I was doing good with a 500 calorie dinner, ’til I looked and saw that it had 22 grams of fat…

Someone, please explain it to me, I’m lost.

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4 Responses to “How do the grams of fat in food relate to weight gain/loss?”

  1. kelli m said :

    its all about what consists in ur 500 calorie dinner! you have to get in all of your groups into your day!! like ur only supposed to have a 3 oz. piece of meat and maybe a starch, vegetable, and like one fat for dinner..grams really has nothing to do with it babe..find a great nutrionist! and not jus sum person outs the yellow pages..references are the key!

  2. johnnybonline24 said :

    A gram of carbohydrates or a gram of protein each contain 4 calories. A gram of fat contains 9 calories. Fat is also harder for your body to use for energy. Your body uses carbs for energy first and then turns to fats when blood sugars are depleted to a certain point. It takes approximately 20 min. of exercise to cause this. Undigested fats can also clog your arteries leading to heart disease.
    John S. Bennett

  3. vampire_kitti said :

    Fat has gotten a bad rep because it has more calories then carbohydrates or protein. Fats are actually good in many cases, it just depends what kind of fat it is.
    Saturated fats and other fats that promote cholesterol deposits are bad fats and should definitely be avoided. Large amounts of fat should also be avoided because they will have too many calories.
    Basically 1 gram of carbs or protein has 4 calories, 1 gram of fat has 9 calories, more then twice as many.

    Good fats like olive oil are good for you, they give you energy and help promote healthy muscles and a healthy digestive system. 22 grams of fat in one meal is probably too much unless that’s all the fat you have in a day. Avoid processed foods, they have the most fat and the worst kinds. You do need fats but you also need to be able to get all your other nutrients and still stay within your daily caloric intake.

  4. wilson said :

    Very simple— the amount of fat and all other information, on the label including the serving size, determines the calories. example; the same meal with no fat would be far fewer calories.


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