What is the best weight and muscle gaining protein powder?

Looking to gain 15lbs in 2 months of muscle. So can anyone tell me What is the best weight and muscle gaining protein powder out there and possibly some workouts to use?

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2 Responses to “What is the best weight and muscle gaining protein powder?”

  1. Eric said :

    muscletech’s nitro-tech hardcore is a reallly good product. im using it and alot of my friends really like it.

    you can also take muscletech’s cell-tech with it to bulk up. along with working out and eating alot.

    you should be getting about 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight in per day. (example: if you weight 150lbs, you should try to get 300 grams of protein per day)along with a gallon or more of water. and 5-6 meals per day.

  2. Ray said :

    Our bodies do not require alot of protein & stores very little… If a person consmes over 50 grams, the body attempts to get rid of the extra by pulling calcium out of the bones.


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