what is the best slimming tea here in the Philippines?

This summer i really wanted to lose weight, so i’m asking everyone (especially people residing here in the Philippines) what is the best slimming tea you can offer to me? I really wanted to slim down just a couple of pounds. Also, i’m not a big fan of exercise. Thanks!

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2 Responses to “what is the best slimming tea here in the Philippines?”

  1. j wale said :

    Here’s a few tips that work for me:
    I spend a long time in front of a computer screen. Often I just stare at the monitor for up to 15 seconds while a page load or a document gets printed or whatever it is that the computer is doing.
    When this is happening I lift my hands up over my head and then bring them down. I keep on doing this until the computer has finished whatever it is doing and it requires some input.,. from me.
    I do similar exercises like getting up from the chair and sitting down again. I sometimes might be standing up and might type a few sentences while standing.
    Combine this with drinking only water and I am doing something to lose weight. It is not much but doing it all the time it does help in losing weight.
    I might swap this sometimes. I might decide that I will not do the arm exercise for a week but that week I will get off the lift two floor below and walk up the last two floors.
    So long as when I go to bed at night I can say that that day I have done something extra to burn some weight, I am happy.

  2. Stephanie said :

    You might not believe this, but if you stick to a healthy dietary habits by eating small meals throughout the day like every 3 hours, protein shakes and copious amounts of water you will lose body fat and maintain size. Things like bread and pasta should be kept to a minimum, they are still needed and are good if you need that extra energy to get through a workout. Just don’t over do them! Losing muscle mass occurs when you are on a ‘diet’ that denies your body the nutrients needed to sustain strength. You can also take some of the supplements on this site to help speed up your weight loss. http://loseweight.thespeak.info


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