What herbal medicine can I take to de-stress my self from wedding stress?

I’ve started getting quite stressed with planning my wedding eventhough its still 4 months away. I have everything under control, yet I still wake up in the middle of the night worrying about LITTLE SILLY things!!

Thing I am just overall stressed and therefore in the night I wake up stressing about minor things. My back and neck are aching from the tension!

Can anyone recommend some herbal tablets or anything I can take to relax more and help me de-stress generally? Thanks!!!

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10 Responses to “What herbal medicine can I take to de-stress my self from wedding stress?”

  1. fanella said :

    bach rescue remedy

  2. GoldieMeg said :

    Good answer Fanella, it’s good stuff. Also Kalms herbal tablets can be quite helpful, particularly when your anxiety is affecting your sleep.

  3. ms_spunk said :

    Chamomile tea is supposed to relax you. And try to cut down on caffiene and alcohol because it will help your mind de-stress if your body is de-stressed. Drink lots of water aswell.
    But also take some ME time. Take a hot bubble bath with some chocolate and a magazine. Go for a massage or a manicure or go shopping with your phone turned off.
    Psyhcologists sometimes recommend writing down all your stresses in a notebook before you go to bed to sort of like get them out of your mind before you go to bed and onto the paper.
    Write lots of little to do lists to help you feel more organised.

    And most of all….

    Get your lovely hubby to be either to help you, or to give you a big hug and a kiss and make you feel better!!

    Or a wedding planner??

    🙂 good luck!

  4. jackie m said :

    passiflora, valerian or belladonna – check with health food shops.

  5. Maria V said :

    A doctor just told me about Valerian Root- he said it is really helpful as a sleep aid.
    Also, you might want to try meditation and breathing exercises.
    I wish you the best with your wedding.

  6. JoJo said :

    Drink loads of Chamomile tea. Spay your pillow with Lavender which aids a restful sleep. Also you can take Valerian which you should be able to get from your local Health shop……..Also a Lavender scented bath helps.
    Good Luck!!

  7. Nivanta K said :

    In our continually changing environment, our bodies and minds are suffering from wear and tear. We call it STRESS. Sometimes it’s family problems, money problems, or problems at work. However, we all have to deal with it from day to day.

    The first step to determining how you handle life management stress is knowing what causes it. Many find keeping a life management stress journal very helpful for understanding not only the causes, but also for giving you insight as to how you react. Use it to record each event in your life, how you’re feeling, exactly what causes you to feel stressed and out of control, or in other words, the patterns of stress in your life.

    Once you’ve determined the cause or causes of life management stress in your life, you can then go about finding ways to de-stress, or decompress, bringing harmony back into your life.

    1) Relaxation techniques, such as music are very effective in calming your harried mind.This is one of the best technique for reducing life management stress.Music helps by calming you down, giving your mind a chance to relax if only for a few minutes. Find a quiet place, where you can be alone, pop in a CD of soft sounds, such as ocean waves or falling rain. Experiment until you determine which sound makes you feel relaxed and calm. Turn on the CD, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Focus on the sound, push everything else from your mind. Let your muscles relax, one at a time. Let yourself just get lost in the sound.

    2) Breathing techniques are very helpful and can be used almost anywhere, even at work. Once again, find a quiet place to sit down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then let it out. Take the next breath slowly, counting to five, hold that breath to the count of four, then release it very slowly. This works particularly well if you feel a bit panicky. When in panic mode, the body tends to breathe very fast and shallow, intensifying the feeling of fight-or-flight. Doing this breathing technique for fifteen or twenty minutes will be very calming.

    3) Sleep is so important, especially during extremely stressful times, but stress often makes getting to sleep very difficult. The thoughts keep swirling around in your mind, keeping you awake. Let your body get used to a routine by keeping the same bedtime each night, even on weekends. In addition, several hours before bedtime, give your brain a chance to wind down. Avoid any mentally demanding work and agitation. Cutting back on alcohol and caffeine will help you fall asleep more easily. Instead of watching television, find a nice relaxing, book. Before you know it, your body will relax, your eyes will close, and you’ll drift off for a great night’s sleep.

    4) Exercise is another great way to de-stress your body and your mind. It improves blood flow to the brain, bringing it more oxygen. Believe it or not, long hours of sitting and thinking cause the neurons of your brain to build up toxic waste products. If you’ve ever experienced that foggy feeling, that feeling that your brain has turned to mush, this is why. Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins, into your blood stream. These endorphins are what give you that happy feeling, a feeling of well-being. When the pressure is on, it’s the more physically fit people who are able to fight off illness. You’ll stay healthier and suffer less from burnout. Please remember to talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. In addition, keep in mind that exercise should be fun. If it stops being fun, you’ll stop exercising.

    5) Try and spend time with your loved ones. Relaxing with family and friends is a great stress reliever. Finding fun activities will make you feel happy, relaxed, and more able to handle the day-to-day life management stress. They say laughter is the best medicine, so laugh and enjoy life whenever you can. Take regular vacations. Not only will you enjoy the break from work and home duties, but just the act of planning and looking forward to the vacation will improve your state of mind. Sometimes, anticipation is half the fun.

    6) Find a hobby or a sport that you enjoy. If your work is very competitive, try and find something that will allow you to relax and enjoy yourself. Reading, gardening, sewing, etc. allows your mind to focus on something besides the worries. Moreover, working with your hands and being creative is very freeing.

    7) Try a little positive thinking. It’s a fact that optimists enjoy increased health and long life, have less stress, and are able to move forward and succeed where others might quit. We all have to expect some failures, some sorrow and frustration, but we don’t have to let them rule our lives. Find some like-minded friends who will remind you of your successes now and then. Focus on realistic goals and remember that failure isn’t fatal. And don’t be so hard on yourself. Tomorrow is another day.

    Having stress in your life is not the issue these days, how you cope with it is more important. Living a healthy lifestyle is one way to reduce the stress levels. When you’re living healthy, you just automatically cope with stress better. Developing ways to deal with managing stress makes you more resilient, more energetic, with concentration that is more effective.

    So no any herbal medicine is not much effective than these issues mensioned above..

  8. bluestar said :

    Lavender oil helps on your pillow or in the bath, drink lots of water and exercise, a blast at the gym really helps stress.

  9. kautolo said :

    Deadly Nightshade will soon calm you down……..in fact you will never be stressed ever again!

  10. Lavenderworld said :

    Lavender Oil is great for helping you to relax. If you are having trouble sleeping then try rubbing some lavender oil onto the soles of your feet! It does work.


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