How much of the weight lost when a steak is cooked on a grill is from fat loss?

For example if I take an 8oz raw steak and cook it so it ends up at 6 oz, how many calories/fat calories are being lost by the time its done cooking?

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One Response to “How much of the weight lost when a steak is cooked on a grill is from fat loss?”

  1. christnp said :

    Much of the weight lost is water. How much fat burns off really depends on what type of steak it is. Some steaks are quite lean to begin with, so almost all the shrinkage will be from water loss.

    What you can do is google the nutritional info for your specific type of steak. You can find the calories and fat for a given weight of your type raw steak and also after broiled or grilled.

    Sorry I can’t post a link for you. It really depends on what type of steak it is.


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