How does our body generate heat, and why is it 98.4 F and how much does it vary in healthy people?

If you checked the temperature of 100,000 healthy British people under controlled conditions, woul you get a normal distribution centered on 98.4 and how low / high would you get some results.

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5 Responses to “How does our body generate heat, and why is it 98.4 F and how much does it vary in healthy people?”

  1. marvin s said :


  2. Equinox said :

    Because it is the optimal temperature for enzyme kinetics.

    Some people have a low body temp, others have a high one. On a distribution graph I would expect to see most people at 37.5C with a SD of next to 0.

  3. C B said :

    I think the mean body temperature is 37C and there is a tight nromal distribution around this value. The liver and brown fat in the body burn off fuel in the form of lipids and glucose to generate heat. This heats up the body and mechanism such as sweating and breathing and peeing removes excess heat.

    It is part of homeostasis, maintaining the steady state of the body

  4. dj_kool_off said :

    I hope the weblink below helps.

  5. Helen said :

    The heat is created by mitochondria producing ATP (energy “currency”) by respiring glucose in each and every cell. It is a byproduct of the reaction but is necessary for survival due to it being the optimum temperature for enzymes to work at.


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