help with ttc and being over weight and irregular periods?

i know that being over weight is probably why my periods are irregular and why it is hard for me to concieve. It took me 2 years to concieve my son. Im about 200lbs (90-100kg), i gained most of that weight very quickly after a miscarriage. I have read that losing even a little bit of weight can increase chances of ttc lots, so i have a couple of questions. How much does it decrease your chances of ttc if you are over weight? How much weight should i try loose to have a healthy pregnancy? And how much percent will it increse my chances of ttc if i lose weight. I am dieting at the moment as im getting married at the end of this year.

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3 Responses to “help with ttc and being over weight and irregular periods?”

  1. The Twins are here!! said :

    It took me almost 2 years to concieve my first chid. I found out I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) This is very common in women that are overweight, can cause irrgular periods, and caused difficulty concieving. I would speak with your ob/gyn, because there is no really set weight that can affect being able to concieve, although it has been proven that loosing weight does help. Just dont get discouraged, I had to take fertility treatments to get pregnant with all my kids except my twins. Best of Luck!1

  2. mommy of preemie Hayden said :

    your chances of getting pregnant will increase at least 20% if you lose 20 pounds also take vitex get it from a heath food store take one pill a day it’s natural and regulates your hormones all the extra fat you have makes estrogen causing your body to delay ovulation good luck

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