Why do I have bad temperature regulation in my body? is there a medicine that can be taken to prevent this?

I often have high or low temperature in my body irrespective of the temperature in the room or outdoors. Is there a diet or medicine that can consumed to help regulate the temperature?

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2 Responses to “Why do I have bad temperature regulation in my body? is there a medicine that can be taken to prevent this?”

  1. Frannipop said :

    I get this!…. I think?
    I go outside and I get used to the temperature and then when I go indoors I get so hot. And I don’t know why.
    I even get it if I get on a bus!
    my friends have come round my house before and have sat in coats and blankets while I’m just wearing a vest top and jeans…
    Then at college everyone else is freezing cold and wants the air conditioning on at 30 degrees, which is way to hot for inside. And I don’t. I just put it down to them not moving enough and they just have bad circulation… But the whole room o9f people???

  2. stef said :

    If you are still a teenager you may find it is your hormones balancing – if you are worried about it go and have a chat with your GP


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