What is the best way to lose weight fast for a12 year old girl.?

I think im fat so i would like to lose weight fast and i want it to be eas.y I have to warn you im not athletic at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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5 Responses to “What is the best way to lose weight fast for a12 year old girl.?”

  1. nicole812us said :

    If you are truly over weight then best thing to do is exercise. There is no safe way to loose weight fast. Exercise and eating right is the best way to keep a reasonable weight. Anything could be a danger to your health. I know you said you aren’t athletic but anything can be exercise. Swimming is good exercise. You can start walking a bit in the evening with a friend or family member. It doesn’t have to be fast. Just a nice walk around the block.

  2. sullivanmedic946 said :

    become athletic who cares if you are not good just join a softball team or something besides the more you do something the better you get and unless you a just morbidly obese dont worry about too much young kids have baby fat still and wou will grow into your body so just make sure you eat healthy no fast food junk food or that kind of stuff just eat healthy that is the best thing to do and just be a kid and play outside

  3. Skittles said :

    trust me, there is no fast and safe way to lose weight. If you lose weight quickly, it’ll come back.

    I’m sixteen and i’m not athletic either, but i’m trying something that seems to be working pretty well…eat less and excersice more. Here’s what i do

    In the mornings before school, i work out for twenty minutes with taebo or just doing simple jumping jacks, crunches, push ups, etc.

    I make sure that I eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinnner. If i want a snack, i eat fruit. My meals contain the food groups, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Limit the soda and sugar! Drink water instead.

    Eat one sweet, or fat a day only. I only eat it if it’s under 400 cals per serving.

    I try to workout for about thrity minutes after school and another ten before bed.

    See, right there i’m getting one hour of excersice, a balanced diet, and my sweets!

    no matter what you do, please don’t try and starve yourself from meals. I’ve tried it and i literally passed out! I’m never doing that again.

    Try to move around more. When your own the computer, try to kick your legs around or move you arms while you read stuff. When you get on the phone, only talk while you’re walking or moving your legs or something.

    Get creative, have fun, be safe and good luck.

    Oh yeah,

    Please don’t be a twelve year old that’s a size six and weighting 120 pounds that swears she’s fat because she saw a music video or something.

  4. Nata Jones said :

    find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
    eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
    5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    8 glasses of water
    have complex carbs for breakfast – they give you energy
    have lean meat (protein) for dinner – repairs muscle
    cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
    dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
    ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

  5. Sunflower said :

    A crash diet is a diet which is extreme in its deprivations – typically severely restricting calorie intake. Meant to achieve rapid weight loss, a crash diet differs from outright starvation only slightly. Crash diets are typically unhealthy and are rarely – if ever – recommended by doctors or dietitians. Crash diets can lead to malnutrition, and are not a recommended means of weight loss.
    After a person discontinues a crash diet, the “yo-yo effect” is often seen. This causes a person to eat far more than normal, causing them to regain both the weight that was lost due to the diet as well as additional weight. This is caused by an evolutionary trait of the human race that historically only took effect in times of famine: after a famine ended, people’s bodies naturally craved to regain both the weight that was lost, plus additional weight as well, in order to protect themselves in case of another famine.
    An example crash diet consists of a daily intake of 4 glasses of skim milk, 4 bananas, and 1 vitamin capsule; a boiled egg may be substituted for a banana. Also, large amounts of caffeine.[1]


What is the best way to lose weight fast for a12 year old girl.?

I think im fat so i would like to lose weight fast and i want it to be eas.y I have to warn you im not athletic at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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5 Responses to “What is the best way to lose weight fast for a12 year old girl.?”

  1. nicole812us said :

    If you are truly over weight then best thing to do is exercise. There is no safe way to loose weight fast. Exercise and eating right is the best way to keep a reasonable weight. Anything could be a danger to your health. I know you said you aren’t athletic but anything can be exercise. Swimming is good exercise. You can start walking a bit in the evening with a friend or family member. It doesn’t have to be fast. Just a nice walk around the block.

  2. sullivanmedic946 said :

    become athletic who cares if you are not good just join a softball team or something besides the more you do something the better you get and unless you a just morbidly obese dont worry about too much young kids have baby fat still and wou will grow into your body so just make sure you eat healthy no fast food junk food or that kind of stuff just eat healthy that is the best thing to do and just be a kid and play outside

  3. Skittles said :

    trust me, there is no fast and safe way to lose weight. If you lose weight quickly, it’ll come back.

    I’m sixteen and i’m not athletic either, but i’m trying something that seems to be working pretty well…eat less and excersice more. Here’s what i do

    In the mornings before school, i work out for twenty minutes with taebo or just doing simple jumping jacks, crunches, push ups, etc.

    I make sure that I eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinnner. If i want a snack, i eat fruit. My meals contain the food groups, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Limit the soda and sugar! Drink water instead.

    Eat one sweet, or fat a day only. I only eat it if it’s under 400 cals per serving.

    I try to workout for about thrity minutes after school and another ten before bed.

    See, right there i’m getting one hour of excersice, a balanced diet, and my sweets!

    no matter what you do, please don’t try and starve yourself from meals. I’ve tried it and i literally passed out! I’m never doing that again.

    Try to move around more. When your own the computer, try to kick your legs around or move you arms while you read stuff. When you get on the phone, only talk while you’re walking or moving your legs or something.

    Get creative, have fun, be safe and good luck.

    Oh yeah,

    Please don’t be a twelve year old that’s a size six and weighting 120 pounds that swears she’s fat because she saw a music video or something.

  4. Nata Jones said :

    find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
    eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
    5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    8 glasses of water
    have complex carbs for breakfast – they give you energy
    have lean meat (protein) for dinner – repairs muscle
    cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
    dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
    ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

  5. Sunflower said :

    A crash diet is a diet which is extreme in its deprivations – typically severely restricting calorie intake. Meant to achieve rapid weight loss, a crash diet differs from outright starvation only slightly. Crash diets are typically unhealthy and are rarely – if ever – recommended by doctors or dietitians. Crash diets can lead to malnutrition, and are not a recommended means of weight loss.
    After a person discontinues a crash diet, the “yo-yo effect” is often seen. This causes a person to eat far more than normal, causing them to regain both the weight that was lost due to the diet as well as additional weight. This is caused by an evolutionary trait of the human race that historically only took effect in times of famine: after a famine ended, people’s bodies naturally craved to regain both the weight that was lost, plus additional weight as well, in order to protect themselves in case of another famine.
    An example crash diet consists of a daily intake of 4 glasses of skim milk, 4 bananas, and 1 vitamin capsule; a boiled egg may be substituted for a banana. Also, large amounts of caffeine.[1]


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