to loose weight quickly, running for 15minutes 1.5km 3 times a day , or all one time 45min 4.5km is better?

am eating one brown toast with caviar for breakfast and grill chicken with salad for lunch and fruit for dinner, is that good? am 78 and my target is 65kg. how much time with this food do I need to reach my goal?

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3 Responses to “to loose weight quickly, running for 15minutes 1.5km 3 times a day , or all one time 45min 4.5km is better?”

  1. Ansley said :

    Weight is a big issue for many people, especially those trying to lose it. I tried out acai berry and it definitely worked for me. There is a free trial going on right now at , why not check it out, what is the worst that could happen?

  2. tonyjaa987 said :

    the first one if its done in a high intensity

  3. wanaknowalot said :

    Most fitness guru’s say you have to do cardio training for at least 40 min to start burning calories, but recently some study has shown that is you do high intensity training you only need to train for 15 min to loose weight. For instance, if you go running, warm up for 3 min, run at 80% for 2 min, then walk for 1 min, run at 90% for 2 min, then walk for 1 min again, 110% for 2 walk 1. run 70% 2 min walk/cool down 1. The distance you run does not make a difference to your training, not if you train to loose weight anyway. This you only have to do once a day.
    Do stretching every day, it will help your muscle toning etc. Try do a few core (stomach & back) exercises every 2nd day.

    Try break up your meals to 5 a day, low carb, high protein and at least 2 lt of water. The water is very important. 5 Meals a day will speed up your metabolism.

    You should be able to loose 1,5 to 3kg a week.


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