To keep losing weight at the same pace do you increase your work outs?

I heard that to continue losing weight you need to increase your work outs, like if you start out jogging for half an hour after you lose a certain amount of weight to continue losing it at the same speed you have to jog for an hour.

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4 Responses to “To keep losing weight at the same pace do you increase your work outs?”

  1. 3rdcoastcombat said :

    lost 60 lbs in 4 months with a few simple rules…always eat breakfast (starts metabolism) eat 5 small meals through out the day (snack bar or fruit between meals counts as small meal), no fast food or soft drinks, and some type of exercise everyday (burn more calories than you take in daily). this prevents you from getting really hungry, which kills will power and cheating becomes easy. but exercise is a must..hope this helped

  2. Dominique said :

    The pattern for losing weight is not difficult – eat less and move more – the issues arise when we in reality try to put that into operation! There are plenty of temptations out there aren’t there?! I uncovered some splendid information by learning from the web resource in the box below, they have plenty of instruction, I lost 8 pounds by taking their advice.

  3. jacob said :

    Here are my results:

    1st week – 6 lbs
    2nd week – 12 lbs
    3rd week – 13 lbs


  4. Cassie Hanson said :

    Follow my blog @ where u can follow my weight loss journey and give your input and tips that will help.


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