Ive been exercising, and eating healthy for a week now, and ive lost 7 lbs…but i cant notice any fat loss…

ive literally been eating really healthy and exercising for a whole week now (saturday to saturday)

the scale says ive lost 7 lbs! (171-164)

but when i look in the mirror, i cant notice any fat loss at all : /

is this normal? or will my body just never burn the extra fat off?

I am one of those people who just will never be able to look skinny?

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3 Responses to “Ive been exercising, and eating healthy for a week now, and ive lost 7 lbs…but i cant notice any fat loss…”

  1. kayla084 said :

    Your going to notice it on the scale before you actually see it in yourself. Try measuring yourself every week and look at it that way. You will see how many inches your losing off your body, hope that reassures you. Good luck!

  2. Jeff said :

    I agree with the poster above. I’d also like to add that because body fat tends to distribute uniformly, all the fat you’ve lost was also lost evenly around your body. Odds are you wouldn’t notice a loss like this because all the body fat would be diminished by a small amount, and just as important, it would be diminished equally. Which is a good thing.

  3. gmrw88 said :

    Initially you will burn water weight. Keep exercising and eating right and you will begin to see and feel a difference in about 10 weeks. If not then re-assess your program. Anyone can lose weight if they have the will to do so.


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