Is it possible to get sensibly priced insurance for a 84 year old man cruising on a ship with medical staff?

I’m thinking of a Nile cruise. The boat apparently has a fully equipped clinic, an MD and two qualified nurses. I can’t get an insurance quote from anyone so far.

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4 Responses to “Is it possible to get sensibly priced insurance for a 84 year old man cruising on a ship with medical staff?”

  1. Lady Carole said :
  2. Xmas Baby said :

    Age concern deals with insurance for anyone over 50

  3. TINKERTOY ..... the 1 & only said :
  4. Johan from Sweden said :

    The ensurance companys always thinks in terms of risks and costs so insuring an 84 year old would definately be considered risky and thus costy. So I would expect to pay an preatty high age penalty. But if he is in condition for a nile cruise then a doctors insurence off his health isnt wrong to get. That maybe get the insurance companys on better mode.

    I dont want to scare you and have no idea were you from but to me a nile cruise sounds like a huge adventure for such an old man. Have you considered a cruise in the more mainstream market, maybe even one that departures and arrives in your hown town so you can avoid flying? Johan.


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