I’m starting week 7 of my fat loss journey tomorow. However this weekend was a bad food weekend. HELP?
This weekend was full of Pizza, Steak, and Chinese takeout. I’m on week 7 tomorow and I feel so bad for doing it and im scared i wont be losing fat for a while now. Is there a way I can get back on track? How can I control my urges?
May 5th, 2011 at 12:59 am
I had way too much fat in all the embarrassing areas until I checked out acai berry, I realize they say that pills will not work, but they definitely worked for me, and they have been shown on the Rachael Ray Show too. There’s a free trial going on right now at http://mineng.theslimmingdiet.info , try it out, what’s the worst that could happen?
May 5th, 2011 at 1:06 am
If you are on week 7, you have come a long way. So you messed up 1 week. So what. Are you willing to sacrifice 7 weeks of effort for 1 mistake. Every time you have an urge, just remember that you have a choice. Everything that goes into your mouth either helps or hurts your weight loss. There is no neutral food.
The following article may motivate you to persist; http://correct-weight-loss.net/2009/06/19/why-do-you-keep-falling-back-in-your-weight-loss-efforts-part-1/
Here is an article that may shed some light on how to control your urge : http://correct-weight-loss.net/2009/07/29/winning-the-duel-against-that-ruthless-chocolate-cake/