Im paranoid about my weight, whats the best way to lose weight FAST?

Im 15 and constantly worry about my weight, i weigh 102 pounds and am 5.5ft tall. My weight is getting me down and i NEED to lose weight, and fast. Please help?
Im a 15 year old girl and constantly worry about my weight, i weigh 102 pounds and am 5.5ft tall. My weight is getting me down and i NEED to lose weight, and fast. Please help?

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2 Responses to “Im paranoid about my weight, whats the best way to lose weight FAST?”

  1. corporatecrow said :

    Your only 15, I would suggest dieting. Also, 102, 5’5; it seems to me that you don’t need to lose weight.

    I don’t know if you are a guy or girl. But in either case, there is such a thing as too skinny. Speaking from both a prospective of attractiveness and health.

  2. Robin said :

    NO you don’t you are 5ft 5inches tall I am 5’2 went I was 15 I weighed about 100 which is very thin. At 18 I weighed 106 which was perfect. NO. 1 Quit weighing your self build you muscles tone them. Find a picture of some one you like the way they look but not too thin or find a piece of clothing you want to look good in. And go for that look you are too thin you don’t want someone to put their arm around you and feel bones. or fat but a nice firm muscle is nice. And I will bet if you gain about 3 to 8 pounds your clothes will fit better look better and you will feel great. If you look at a weight chart it would probably say you should weigh about 130 or so give or take 10 lbs. I am suppose to weight about 115 and that is thin especially at my age now. But at 15 I felt that was a little too heavy. You need to gain weight not lose. You didn’t say if you were a boy or girl. But either way being too thin can cause alot of health problems


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