How many laxatives should i take to lose weight? & why is this not working..?

Was just wondering how offten & how many laxatives you should take to loose weight..?
please dont bother with the “its not good for you” speeches because i already know this. & yes i know that what you loose is not fat it is body water & it can make you de-hydrated & everything.. i just want to try it & see if it works.
Also, i have been making myself sick but only tiny bits are comming up – am i leaving it to long after eating before making myself sick? or trying to quickly after eating?

please any help would be great

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2 Responses to “How many laxatives should i take to lose weight? & why is this not working..?”

  1. Nett said :

    they don’t really make u lose weight they just clean out the excess food and stuff that’s stored in ur body.

  2. Upside_down1986 said :

    Laxatives do not make you lose weight. All it leads to is Colon damage and can lead to organ failure.

    You need help x


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