how fast do you lose the weight when you make yourself throw up?

i want to lose weight and i want to do it fast cause i am a stay home wife and i feel myself gaining the weight.

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48 Responses to “how fast do you lose the weight when you make yourself throw up?”

  1. M G said :

    Bad Idea. You may lose some weight, but the side effects will make you look horrendous, and could be fatal.

    Bulimia can result in following health problems:

    * Malnutrition
    * Dehydration
    * Electrolyte imbalance (Can lead to cardiac arrest, which can also result in brain damage by stroke.)
    * Hyponatremia
    * Damaging of the voice
    * Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
    * Teeth erosion and cavities, gum disease
    * Sialadenosis (salivary gland swelling)
    * Potential for gastric rupture during periods of binging
    * Esophageal reflux
    * Irritation, inflammation, and possible rupture of the esophagus
    * Laxative dependence
    * Peptic ulcers and pancreatitis
    * Emetic toxicity due to ipecac abuse
    * Swelling of the face and cheeks, especially apparent in the lower eyelids due to the high pressure of blood in the face during vomiting.
    * Callused or bruised fingers
    * Dry or brittle skin, hair, and nails, or hair loss
    * Lanugo
    * Edema
    * Muscle atrophy
    * Decreased/increased bowel activity
    * Digestive problems that may be triggered, including Celiac, Crohn’s Disease
    * Low blood pressure, hypotension
    * Orthostatic hypotension
    * High blood pressure, hypertension
    * Iron deficiency
    * Anemia
    * Hormonal imbalances
    * Hyperactivity
    * Depression
    * Insomnia
    * Amenorrhea
    * Infertility
    * High risk pregnancy, miscarriage, still-born babies
    * Diabetes
    * Elevated blood sugar or hyperglycemia
    * Ketoacidosis
    * Osteoporosis
    * Arthritis
    * Weakness and fatigue
    * Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    * Cancer of the throat or voice box
    * Liver failure
    * Kidney infection and failure
    * Heart failure, heart arrhythmia, angina
    * Seizure
    * Paralysis
    * Potential death caused by heart attack or heart failure; lung collapse; internal bleeding, stroke, kidney failure, liver failure; pancreatitis, gastric rupture, perforated ulcer, depression and suicide.

  2. teenmush said :

    not much

  3. SundaeG1rl said :

    Throwing up is just plain stupid, and really bad for you. Why don’t you try a sensible diet plan (salads, no snacks), and join weightwatchers for support…

    Edited to say: Well done MG for your editing and C&P skills which magically appeared after I posted…

  4. Megan said :

    if u make urself throw up u actually gain weight.

  5. Beth said :

    Lose weight by eating right and doing at least 30 minutes of cardio a day. Becoming bulimic is not the way to go.

  6. immadancer! said :

    someone of your age should not be so vain that they feel they need to do something as dangerous as making themselves throw up. ask any recovering bulimic. go to weight watchers if you are that concerned, or better yet put down the Twinkies

  7. Amanda said :

    Do NOT. EVER. make yourself throw up.

    You will screw up your body to the point of no return.

    If you have kids, it will screw up your relationship with them.

    You WILL become bulemic.

    Lose weight the right way; with diet and exersize.

  8. Erin said :

    Don’t do it. You could start getting holes in your stomach from the acid. its not worth it. make yourself a better healthier diet.. try not to eat after 8. try to maybe walk around teh block after dinner or so. try not to eat snacks in between meals. you can do a lot more things besides throwing up. its nasty. dont do it.

  9. Nameless_Girl said :

    Hey don’t make your self throw up, that’s bad!
    Excersise instead…!

  10. trgabr said :

    about as fast as it takes all your teeth to rot out from throwing up

  11. slushydude said :

    Don’t have you finger for desert.It can be very painfull and you could end up in the hspital.

  12. wolfwoods01girl said :

    Launching into an eating disorder isn’t ever a good way to lose weight. If you’re concerned then keep track of your eating habits and move your body. Get up, take a walk during the day, dance around your living room, check out local gyms and community centers. Being a stay at home wife doesn’t mean you have to actually stay at home.

  13. Cat Stevens said :

    Is this for real??grow up woman!!

  14. CCRIDER69 said :


  15. imaginethat265 said :

    dont do it that way you can rupture your throat and bleed to death, theres other ways of loosing weight

  16. knowssignlanguage said :

    not much considering it is already in your system and digested. IT causes more harm then good you ruin your throat and burn. CAUSES all kinds of problems

  17. emma e said :

    Pretty fast–if you don’t mind the rotting teeth and ruined oesophagus that goes along with the bulimia.

  18. janiesheron said :

    Well for heavens sake don’t do the throw up thing …. that can kill you ……….. eat sensibly…..and start walking…… just walking every day will help you lose weight and keep it off………

  19. Dark Rider said :

    Don’t make yourself throw up! Being Bulimic is a horrible thing and very unhealthy!

    You won’t lose any weight except for the things your’ve eaten recently which are still in your stomach.I odubt you’ll even lose half a pound!

    Drink lots of water and exercise to lose weight!

  20. Chloe said :

    I guess you lose it pretty quickly, but you know it’s so unhealthy for you. That’s the most destructive thing you could do to yourself beside smoke meth maybe… Sure, you’re pretty on the outside but you’ll be killing your insides. It’s hard, but really–the only way to lose weight and keep it off is to exercise and eat healthy. You don’t have to chew on carrots and grass all day, but just cut back on fatty foods. Trust me…get 30 minutes of cardio in every day and start eating better and you’ll see the weight fall right off.

  21. -CHOPPER- said :

    don’t do that dude. it’s dangerous if you keep making yourself throw up. you’ll erode your esophagus. just diet and exercise my man. diet, and exercise. it’s the only true way to lose weight. it’s hard, but you can do it!

  22. Futbol Fanatic said :

    If you want to lose weight why can’t you just work out and eat right? Making yourself throw up is not the answer hun. I’m a personal trainer and the general manager of a fitness club.

  23. Evelyn S said :

    ha funny that doesnt work at all you gain weight by throwing up my aunt did it and all she did was gain weight………… if your trying to lose weight try something else

  24. jenn 2 said :

    I have read that you dont really lose weight. Once youswallow the food thats it. Try a program like Weight watchers. They work really great. It may not be siuper fast but if you work hard it will come off. I have lost weiht that way and it will be a great thing if you do it. I know its hard to loose, been there. But, Please try and stay healthy 🙂

  25. Kindle said :

    Don’t do it. You may cause serious damage to yourself and also may not be able to quit. If you are serious about losing weight, just count your calories and exercise. If you burn up more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. It is not easy–you have to have will power (or won’t power).

  26. gemmaluisa said :

    You don’t lose weight when you throw up. Get yourself some help. You have an eating disorder. Sensible eating and exercise is the best and safest way to be slim and healthy. Any weight lost quickly will go right back on, and some.

  27. qwertypie said :

    Bulimia will cause you to lose weight quickly. It will also quickly cause your teeth to rot and ulcers to develop in your mouth, throat, and esophagus due to the increased exposure to stomach acid. Plus you’ll gain all the weight back and then some when you stop forcing yourself to puke. If you don’t stop forcing yourself to vomit, then you’ll eventually die of malnutrition.

    In other words, it’s just about the dumbest weight loss plan ever.

    Since you’re home all day, try cooking healthy meals and going for an hour-long walk each day instead. It will take longer, but you’ll keep the weight off and set a good example for your family.

  28. Brian M said :

    When you make yourself puke, you are NOT spewing out fat, you are spewing what ever is in your stomach.

    If you are THIS desperate….then stop eating 😛

  29. kafevahe said :

    yeah, and if you don’t want to see your kids grow up, go ahead and throw up.
    but if you want to see them grow up, eat less fatty food, while you’re in the house, try to make yourself sweat, and keep your body going on,
    also i gained about 5 pounds cause i started to drink coke again, i lost about 4 of them by drinking only water and eating slowly,
    please don’t kill yourself.

  30. turtlecash said :

    Don’t try to lose weight that way, it’s dangerous and there are healthier ways to drop the weight. There really isn’t any safe way I can think of to lost weight fast, just eat healthy and exercise and the weight will go away gradually. Don’t starve yourself, and don’t throw up. Those methods of weight loss are eating disorders and are not safe.

  31. +*+babygurl+*+ said :

    dont do that try weight watchers or something like that

  32. greengo said :

    Most bulemics (vomiting after eating) do not lose weight. Often, they remain slightly overweight. However, their teeth become very damaged and may have to have veneers or complete teeth replacement due to the acid in the vomit. Also, the acid-base balance of the body goes out of whack and that can be very harmful.
    Why not exercise and eat healthy instead? Bulemia is very unhealthy and doesn’t work anyhow.

  33. foofoo said :

    I have known people that do that and it basically does not work. The health issues involved with that far outweight any benefits. Plain talk, it’s a really bad thing to do. One of the things that can happen is your stomach produces very strong acid and that acid can rot your teeth if you repeadly vomit.

    You need more exercise and things to keep yourself busy. Dieting is going to be hard when you constantly have the food around and available.

    I would get something to do at home, like a hobby or perhaps an at home job. It would not be a good thing to vomit to loose weight. Just a horrible idea.

  34. sugarboo said :

    You must have low self esteem. I can’t believe people would be so low to cause harm to their own body.

  35. Random234 said :

    So your a stay at home wife that can’t find the time to work off the weight? Now thats just sad

  36. honeychild_star said :

    You dont, ive known a few bullimic people and the most theyb ever lost the whole time doing it was about 5 kilos. From the minute you put food in your mouth your body starts absorbing fat and nutrients from the food. For bullimics its not really about loosing weight its about bingeing as much food as they can. Most of the time they gain weight through water retention anyways.
    Not a good way to loose weight because it can cause way to many problems. Buy a treadmill, excersise bike or go walking or to a gym. You will feel better about it!

  37. Fran said :

    Under no circumstances should you think about doing that. Purging what you eat is unhealthy, actually can be deadly. If you don’t think much of yourself, think of your family. There are other ways to loose weight. Please look into weight loss choices. Keep yourself healthy. You should think of your family and what it would do to them if you had complications from trying to loose weight that way.

  38. Dorothy H said :

    please don’t do that, it’ll just lead to problems. & actually make you that much hungrier.

    i changed my way of eating. taking in only grilled ,baked,or steamed meats & veggies,& meat. & lots of salads, & no sweets, (execpt for special occasion) & i lost 10 lbs, the 1st 2 weeks.

    i stayed on this diet & to date i’ve lost 36 lbs.(I”M a housewife too.)

    Don’t do that please, hang in there, okay.

  39. Katie said :

    you don’t,ever, if you do that, you will get painful sores in your,i would suggest not eating,but drinking lots of green tea.

  40. Lauren said :

    If you want to lose weight; eat less, move more. If you spend your days at home, you’ve got plenty of time to exercise and prepare healthy meals, so make the most of that – ’tis a luxury.

    As for throwing up, don’t be so bloody stupid. Bulimia is a psychological disorder, NOT a quick fix way to lose weight.

    Bulimia can result in following health problems:

    * Malnutrition
    * Dehydration
    * Electrolyte imbalance (Can lead to cardiac arrest, which can also result in brain damage by stroke.)
    * Hyponatremia
    * Damaging of the voice
    * Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
    * Teeth erosion and cavities, gum disease
    * Sialadenosis (salivary gland swelling)
    * Potential for gastric rupture during periods of binging
    * Esophageal reflux
    * Irritation, inflammation, and possible rupture of the esophagus
    * Laxative dependence
    * Peptic ulcers and pancreatitis
    * Emetic toxicity due to ipecac abuse
    *Swelling of the face and cheeks, especially apparent in the lower eyelids due to the high pressure of blood in the face during vomiting.
    * Callused or bruised fingers
    * Dry or brittle skin, hair, and nails, or hair loss
    * Lanugo
    * Edema
    * Muscle atrophy
    * Decreased/increased bowel activity
    * Digestive problems that may be triggered, including Celiac, Crohn’s Disease
    * Low blood pressure, hypotension
    * Orthostatic hypotension
    * High blood pressure, hypertension
    * Iron deficiency
    * Anemia
    * Hormonal imbalances
    * Hyperactivity
    * Depression
    * Insomnia
    * Amenorrhea
    * Infertility
    * High risk pregnancy, miscarriage, still-born babies
    * Diabetes
    * Elevated blood sugar or hyperglycemia
    * Ketoacidosis
    * Osteoporosis
    * Arthritis
    * Weakness and fatigue
    * Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    * Cancer of the throat or voice box
    * Liver failure
    * Kidney infection and failure
    * Heart failure, heart arrhythmia, angina
    * Seizure
    * Paralysis
    * Potential death caused by heart attack or heart failure; lung collapse; internal bleeding, stroke, kidney failure, liver failure; pancreatitis, gastric rupture, perforated ulcer, depression and suicide.

  41. MeeshyB said :

    You don’t lose weight throwing up, you make yourself ill. In the end you won’t be able to control when you throw up so you won’t even be able to keep water down, you’ll end up in hospital on a drip with surgeons trying to fix stomach muscles inside because they’ll tear from all the retching. You’ll be weak and lethargic, you’ll also lose vital nutrients etc… Quickest way is to follow a healthy eating plan and go weight watchers or slimming world, you’re more likely to stick to it if a friend does it with you. Good luck xx

  42. poetmcc said :

    making yourself throw up will not help you lose weight very fast. take it from someone who’s had a lot of experience.

  43. ♪Cheddar Cheese♪ said :

    Bad Idea. You may lose some weight, but the side effects will make you look horrendous, and could be fatal.

    Bulimia can result in following health problems:

    * Malnutrition
    * Dehydration
    * Electrolyte imbalance (Can lead to cardiac arrest, which can also result in brain damage by stroke.)
    * Hyponatremia
    * Damaging of the voice
    * Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
    * Teeth erosion and cavities, gum disease
    * Sialadenosis (salivary gland swelling)
    * Potential for gastric rupture during periods of binging
    * Esophageal reflux
    * Irritation, inflammation, and possible rupture of the esophagus
    * Laxative dependence
    * Peptic ulcers and pancreatitis
    * Emetic toxicity due to ipecac abuse
    * Swelling of the face and cheeks, especially apparent in the lower eyelids due to the high pressure of blood in the face during vomiting.
    * Callused or bruised fingers
    * Dry or brittle skin, hair, and nails, or hair loss
    * Lanugo
    * Edema
    * Muscle atrophy
    * Decreased/increased bowel activity
    * Digestive problems that may be triggered, including Celiac, Crohn’s Disease
    * Low blood pressure, hypotension
    * Orthostatic hypotension
    * High blood pressure, hypertension
    * Iron deficiency
    * Anemia
    * Hormonal imbalances
    * Hyperactivity
    * Depression
    * Insomnia
    * Amenorrhea
    * Infertility
    * High risk pregnancy, miscarriage, still-born babies
    * Diabetes
    * Elevated blood sugar or hyperglycemia
    * Ketoacidosis
    * Osteoporosis
    * Arthritis
    * Weakness and fatigue
    * Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    * Cancer of the throat or voice box
    * Liver failure
    * Kidney infection and failure
    * Heart failure, heart arrhythmia, angina
    * Seizure
    * Paralysis
    * Potential death caused by heart attack or heart failure; lung collapse; internal bleeding, stroke, kidney failure, liver failure; pancreatitis, gastric rupture, perforated ulcer, depression and suicide

  44. horselover said :

    okay first of all i want to tell you that loosing weight like that is stupid you’ll become anorexic or bulimic or something like that you’ll never be satisfied with your weight lose and then you’ll just get depressed and kill yourself haven’t you ever watched those televising shows on how stupid that is and if you do that you wont live to see your angels grow up so just think it over why don’t you try going to the gym and take your kids with you or leave them at there grandparents house or take them to a day care and also you could buy workout equipment for your home and eat healthy and get your kids active to that is the best way to loose weight

    hope i helped and please think things over

  45. Venomous Doll said :

    i would’nt advise you to do that my lovely. i did it about 2 years ago and im still quite ill from it now. your health wil plummet derastically. you’ll become ever so weak. please dont do it. try exercising to a taebo video, they’re quite fun, especially if you do it with a friend. either that or pilates kits are very good for both shedding any excess pounds and also toning up.
    Please reconsider. x

  46. HELPPPPPPPP said :

    I need help!..Everytime i eat a sweet, i want to make myself puke. I know its unhealthy, but what do i do. Everytime i eat filling stuff i want to puke what do i dooo??? HELPPPP!!! very thin already i just don’t want to gain!!

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