How can I lose my extra skin after losing weight, will I need surgery?

My biggest fear about losing weight ( I want to lose about 100lbs) is will I look dreadful with the extra skin I have. I am currently going to Curves at least 3x a week will that help, because I can’t afford surgery.

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2 Responses to “How can I lose my extra skin after losing weight, will I need surgery?”

  1. Katy D said :

    curves is good except that once you build up a resistance, you’ll stop losing weight, it’s good to maintain the weight you’ve lost but not to lose it initially. try a place like planet fitness, it’s cheaper and works better. also use lotion to help with your skin’s elasticity. and don’t try to lose it all at once. good luck!

  2. Imaka said :

    Most likely if you are young, probably if under 40, your skin will still be elastic enough to shrink on its own. If not, there isn’t anything you can do about it other than build muscle through weight lifting to fill in some of the space that the fat used to take up.


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