do you gain the weight back after you do the “fat loss 4 idiots review 11 days diet”?

im on this diet plan now and just wondering if you gain the weight back after you stop, is it just water weight that im losing??

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4 Responses to “do you gain the weight back after you do the “fat loss 4 idiots review 11 days diet”?”

  1. Martha Y said :

    that is why is called for Idiots

  2. Okaru said :

    yeah if you don’t watch out for what you eat after its going to come back. Its the food habit that makes it what you are.

  3. curly said :

    Just remember to always shift your calories. So that your metabolism stay high. Than you won’t gain it back. Good luck.

  4. Jessy said :

    You can ask other people who use or used this diet on this forum:


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