Can you gain muscle by just eating healthy and alot of protein?

I eat very healthy, low fat, high protein every day. Im skinny so i started to increase my portions, will i gain muscle and look stronger or more normal by just doing this? the thing is that i really dont like lifting weights.

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11 Responses to “Can you gain muscle by just eating healthy and alot of protein?”

  1. Yodasoulja said :

    in about a year you will gain about as much muscle as u do in about 20 days of working out 10 times in those 20 days. if you wanna gain serious muscle, YOU GOTTA WORK OUT ON WIEGHTS!

  2. Derek Bradley said :

    Excess protein is deaminated in the liver and used for energy purposes. In fact, for a sedentary person of good health, enough protein is gained from eating a single hens egg daily, the remainder of daily intake being broken down in the liver. If you want to increase muscle mass, you will need to work out.

  3. charlie c said :

    Building up the existing muscle fibers you have requires that muscle to be worked more then it’s used to being worked while used in everyday activity. Push hard and your body will react to your assault by getting a little bigger and a little stronger. It actually does that as a defensive mechanism. It gets stronger to assist you in the next assault you’ll put them through. That’s the whole process of building muscle or gaining size. Of course there’s a lot more to it, such as diet, when and what you eat, lifting, what and how intense you lift, etc. eating lean and clean is just part of the equation.

  4. nUts said :

    Absolutely not. You’ll just get fat.

  5. Dale said :

    weight liftng is your only option, and remember pain is weakness leaving the body, and each lift means more muscle

  6. Diren said :

    No, you will get fat. I have done weight lifting for 9 months and I look massive.
    I was fatter though. I had to eat healther.
    Your skinny.What you need to do is
    1) Eat like a horse
    2) Weight Lift ( Intense)
    In about 3 months I promise you, you will seee a massive diffrence

  7. Ray said :

    haha nooo u have to work out

  8. brody j said :

    No, your workouts tell your body what to do with your food. If your don’t work and tear your muscles then they will have no need to repair and get bigger. All you are going to do is get fat. I suggest you try body weight exercises since you don’t like lifting weights.

  9. kool man said :

    by eating enough to gain weight, you’ll actually put on a good deal of muscle mass regardless of whether you lift or not. it doesn’t all become fat when you gain weight. if you lift in addition to eating you’ll gain even more muscle mass.

    you need to eat a caloric surplus to gain weight.

  10. skadeglad said :

    excess protein will be burned for energy or converted into sugar via gluconeogenesis.

    for an ordinary person who is not doing any serious strength training, about 10-20% of weight gained will be muscle. most of the remainder will be fat. your body is actually pretty stubborn about preventing muscle gain beyond what is needed; it’s a liability and, unlike fat, is a bad way to store excess energy. in order to grow more muscle, you have to work to convince your body that it’s necessary.

    if you don’t like weightlifting, it is probably because no one has ever shown you how to do it correctly. done properly, weightlifting is a lot of fun. build a routine around heavy, compound lifts (squat, deadlift, press, bench press, power clean), three days a week. your workouts will take about an hour. build a diet around whole, energy-dense foods (dairy, grains, fruit, veggies, nuts, and of course lots of meat and eggs). these will help your body recover more than just eating whey powder will.

    also, stop worrying about your fat intake. overall calorie intake, not fat intake, combined with inactivity is what makes you fat; dietary fat is a necessary part of your diet.

    feel free to contact me with questions.

  11. Yaw A said :

    With lifting weights plus lots of rest, then you will build muscle. If you just eat a lot of protein and don’t do anything, you’ll just get fat.


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