anyone lost weight with the blood type diet?

a few years ago i have heard about the blood type diet, is it true that if you eat the food that is right for your blood type you can loose weight? Anyone did this diet and lost weight? Thank you

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4 Responses to “anyone lost weight with the blood type diet?”

  1. Ant Boogie said :

    the truth is, its too gimmicky. but try it out!

    good luck!!

  2. Chris L said :

    i’m not sure about that diet,
    but there’s a better one that works great. Not many people know it, but I think I know someone who lost a bunch of weight this way.
    its called the eating healthy eating less and exercising regularly diet

  3. Rhianna said :

    There is absolutely no relevance between ones blood type and any diet. Weight loss is a simple input and output balance, if you eat more calories than your body burns up in a day, you will gain weight. To lose weight, there is only one effective way to do it;
    A healthy reduced calorie diet, combined with daily vigorous exercise. There are no tricks or quick fixes I’m afraid. Less in, more out!

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